I nostri eventi

Our Events

At Tenuta Rasocolmo, each year unfolds as a vibrant canvas of cultural festivities and celebrations. Our estate becomes a dynamic stage, hosting a diverse array of events that cater to enthusiasts of theater, music, literature, and art.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of our Summer Fest, a celebration that brings the estate to life with the magic of theater and live music. Under the Sicilian sky, guests are treated to captivating performances that elevate summer nights into unforgettable experiences.
For those who find joy in the written word, our estate becomes a haven for book readings and releases. Renowned authors grace us with their presence, sharing their literary creations amidst the picturesque backdrop of Tenuta Rasocolmo.
Not just a venue; a gallery that comes to life. Art enthusiasts are invited to witness and participate in a variety of art-centric events, from exhibitions showcasing local talents to hands-on art workshops that unleash creativity.

Join Us in Celebration

Whether you are an art enthusiast, a literary connoisseur, or someone who simply revels in the joy of celebration, Tenuta Rasocolmo invites you to join us in these cultural soirees. Stay updated on upcoming events and secure your place in the tapestry of culture and celebration at our estate.

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